
The foliage of a Hellebore

Winter or Christmas Rose, is no relation to the Rose falimy at all, but is actually from the buttercup family. A nice easy plant to look after needing very litle care, they perform better being in partial shade, although will tolerate full sun. Most gardeners plant them in raised areas purly becauyse the blooms face downwards, although this is not a requirement. hellebores are quite toxic to humans and pets, so this must be taken into consideration when planting.  The foliage has a leathery look to it and should be cut back in late winter before the new growth appears. The plant will also appreciate an annual application of manure or compost to help the plant produce more blooms and healthy leaves. 

Hellebores will generally sefl seed around the parent plant,  they can be moverd as required, it usually takes about 3-4 years for them to flower.  Hellebore can be divided if you wish too, generally this is best done in the autumn, although I see no reason as to why this would need to be done, as the plant might not appreciate the upheaval very much. 

So should you have one in your garden, absolutley, do not be put off by the toxicity, just be snesible in placement and you will be just fine. 

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