Poppy (Oriental)

The foliage of an Oriental Poppy

Oriental Poppies is one of my favorites in the garden, hairy flower stems and the beautiful blooms that they produce. The colours range from white, pink, purple  and the common red, which is always associated with oriental poppies. The flowers themselves do not last long, but a mature plant will have muliple blooms. Once the blooms have faded the stems can be removed and sometimes will flower again later in the summer, I have had one flower in October, which is unusal indeed.

Sown in March to May or September/October, however once growing orientals do not like to be moved. most poppies are grown from seed but orientals should be propagated from root cuttings. if you have a mature plant you will notice smaller plants growing around the main plant. these are growing on the roots of the main plant. 

The plant will die back quite a lot in the autumn so all the dead leaves and remains of flowers should be removed. 

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